Will flō get me high?

NO. flō is made with hemp, not marijuana. It is the THC in marijuana that gets you high. Hemp is cannabis that grows in conditions where the female plants produce up to 40% CBD (cannabidiol). Cannabidiol is one of ~150 cannabinoids identified in cannabis. flō contains ~32% mg/g active cannabinoids* and no THC.

Why water-based?

This makes flō nearly instantly bio-available! With most of today’s hemp oil products, 90% or more is lost simply because the body cannot absorb it – oil is fat soluble (goes through the digestive process, through the intestinal tract, then into the lymph system, then to the bloodstream or to be stored in the liver or fat cells). Cannibidiol particles, like all phytocannabinoids, measure about 2,000 nanometers. Human cells can only absorb particles smaller than themselves that measure of 60-80 nanometers, at most. flō delivers an extremely absorbable form of cannabidiol since it has been converted from full-spectrum hemp oil to a water-based product using nanotechnology and the manipulation of matter at a length scale of 1–100nm. The molecules are all natural, just nano-amplified, made 100x smaller by a proprietary process in order for the body to utilize virtually all of the phytocannibinoids and maximize their wellness benefits.

How is flō’s hemp processed?

  • First, our hemp oil is extracted through a high pressure CO2 extraction system from an FDA-registered facility in Colorado. To determine the purity and potency of every batch each extraction is assessed through a High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) system, a Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) system to test for aerobic organisms, yeast, fungus, E. coli, pesticides, heavy toxic metals, cannabidiol (+ other cannabinoid) potency, and terpenes. With these third-party analyses we know that our cannabidiol content is pure and consistent throughout every batch of hemp.
  • Our full-spectrum phytocannabinoid products are made from top quality, Grade-A hemp cultivars, grown in pristine soil in Colorado.
  • Hemp, because of its innate ability to easily thrive, does not require pesticides (hemp’s terpene compounds are natural pesticides), fertilizers, or herbicides and uses less water than standard commercial farming.

What should I look for in a CBD product?

  • Seek products with a clear label indicating the quantity of CBD/per dose, a manufacturing date, and a batch number (for quality control).
  • Select products with quality ingredients: No corn syrup, transfats, GMOs, artificial additives or thinning agents.
  • Cannabidiol-rich products should be lab tested for consistency and verified as being free of mold, bacteria, pesticides, solvent residues, and other contaminants. Best to avoid products extracted with toxic solvents like BHO, propane, hexane or other hydrocarbons.
  • Opt for products that utilize safer extraction methods such as supercritical CO2.

Use only hemp grown pursuant to the Farm Bill, which is exempt from the purview of the CSA (Controlled Substances Act). The products we offer are accompanied by a certificate stating testing and quality. The certificate provides the percentage of active substance contained in the product. Additionally, our products are tested on:

  • Terpenes and terpenoids
  • Heavy metals and other contaminations
  • Microbiological purity
  • Other substances

The tests are designed to discuss the safety of the product. We issue a certificate upon request to identify and guarantee that we are delivering the highest quality broad-spectrum phytocannabinoids available in the marketplace today.

All flō products use only hemp grown pursuant to the Farm Bill, which is exempt from the purview of the CSA (Controlled Substances Act).

Why do I feel so great using flō?

In today’s marketplace, flō offers a most abundant cannabinoid profile. Alongside the 150+ cannabinoids in its full spectrum hemp, are many other natural molecules and phyto-chemical compounds such as amino acids, vitamins (including B1, B2, B6, D), fatty acids (including omega 3 & 6), trace minerals (including iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium), beta-carotene, chlorophyll, flavonoids, ketones, nitrogenous compounds, alkanes, glycosides and terpenes.

What are Cannabinoids?*

There are three types of cannabinoids, a diverse class of chemical compounds. Endocannabinoids exist naturally in the human body; phytocannabinoids, found in plants - about 100 are found in cannabis. Hemp contains high concentrations of cannabidiol (CBD) and marijuana is high in Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Both of these cannabinoids have been patented into synthetic cannabinoids and are used as neuroprotectants/ antioxidants as pharmaceutical drugs. Merinol, a synthetic THC since 1998, is used with chemo patients, and those with anorexia. Sativex (CBD+THC) is used in Europe for MS, and Epidolex is a synthetic CBD used for epilepsy. All plants are chemically complex, and phytocannabinoids each have their own unique molecular structure and function; others have been identified, including:

  • Cannabinol (CBN) is a natural sedative that appears to have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-convulsive properties
  • Cannabigerols (CBG)
  • Cannabichromenes (CBC)
  • Cannabinodiol (CBL)
  • Cannabidivarin (CBDV)
  • THCV

While these cannabinoids can also be isolated for medical use, clinical studies suggest that cannabinoids provide the best results in whole-plant form (referred to as the “entourage effect” or “full spectrum” “broad spectrum”).

What is the EndoCannabinoid System?

The ECS is a vital biological and communication system in all of our bodies (and in all mammals) that coordinates messages between the brain and body. It promotes a dynamic balance in every tissue, cell, organ and in our brains and helps regulate almost every aspect of our wellbeing: sleep, pain, pleasure, cognition, memory, appetite… it is responsible for our overall health & wellness. Basically, if your ECS is out of whack you’re at risk for ill health.

The system is comprised of endocannabinoids (endogenous = in our bodies) and the cannabinoid receptors.

To date (and details are currently unfolding) scientists are discussing two endocannabinoids, neurotransmitters produced by our bodies: anandamide (identified in 1992), meaning “internal bliss” in Sanskrit, and 2AG. (Five have been isolated, but only these two have names). Exercise, for example, increases endocannabinoid activity, and the euphoric ‘runner’s high’ is now being attributed to anandamide. These endocannabinoids are produced and synthesized in our bodies on demand, when needed.

The cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, are protein receptors found on cell surfaces. CB1 is found mostly in the brain, central nervous system and in our tissues. CB2 is in our organs: gut, liver, spleen, heart, bones, kidneys, blood vessels, lymph cells, endocrine glands, gastrointestinal system, reproductive organs, immune system. Their purpose is to fight off pain, disease and to regulate inflammation, and the physical wellbeing of the body.

Cannabinoids bind to these receptors throughout the body. Think of the receptors as locks on the surface of each cell, and the cannabinoids as the keys, unlocking their potential, as needed, to perform various functions.

Now, enter the cannabis plant, which holds the key to open the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our bodies – they essentially mimic the characteristics of the endocannabinoids. In plants, these naturally occurring chemicals are called phytocannabinoids. THC, found in marijuana, is the most prevalent, and hemp’s active cannabinoid is CBD. We believe cannabis to have over 100 independent cannabinoids, including CBG, CBC, CBN, THCV, CBDA, THCA, CBDV... Most of the attention is on THC for the ‘high’ it brings, as well as its proven analgesic affects in those with chronic pain. CBD has a wide range of health benefits for humans and animals. It has recognized anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-anxiety, and antidepressant capacities. Non-intoxicating, it acts primarily on the central nervous system and has been found to have neuroprotective benefits as well as protecting against vascular damage.

The body naturally strives to achieve a constant state of homeostasis. Full-Spectrum flō helps maintain your ECS balance.

Why haven’t I heard about the EndoCannabinoid System?

One of the reasons we are learning about this now and not sooner is the legal position of marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug (meaning it has no medical value and is an addictive substance) – which it is clearly not – thus, there has been little funding available for the therapeutic research or study of this important plant. Most of the research is being done outside of the US and/or on animals.

We now know the ECS has evolved over 500 million years! It affects virtually every cell, muscle, organ and tissue in our bodies. It is critical for regulating the central nervous system (CNS), immune and digestive systems, endocrine glands, heart, lungs…and is believed to have more receptor sites than any other system in the body. Through the ECS, we are biologically programmed to be able to effectively use CBD to reduce pain and inflammation.

How do I know how much CBD to use?

Each person is unique in their metabolism, size and diet, so it’s difficult to specify. But start with one dose of 15mg and see how it feels in your body. If after 15-20 minutes you feel the same, try another 15mg shot.

Is CBD addictive?

NO! Because CBD does not bind to specific receptors in the brain – it modulates and regulates vs binding – it does not produce tolerance, habituation or addiction.

Now that we know our bodies contain cannabinoid receptors, using hemp CBD is a natural approach to health & wellness. It keeps the body in a healthy state. Each person will reach a “saturation” or “subjective dosing level” and after that time s/he can usually decrease to a maintenance dose, for homeostasis, a feeling a general wellness.

THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FDA AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, OR CURE ANY DISEASE. Always check with your physician before starting a new dietary supplement program.